Flight statistics - 3.23 x around the globe over the last four years
Sometimes I find it interesting to express our travels in concrete numbers. Take a look at the detailed statistics of all our flights that we took between 2013 and 2017. Since I write about cheap, independent traveling, I have to mention that on all 46 flights we spent only 5,500 USD per person. Taking into account the fact that we transited through 39 airports in 21 countries and we flew 3 times around the globe, the total cost is extraordinary. The average price of one flight ticket is about 120 USD.
Flights, International Flights, Intercontinental Flights, Domestic Flights
Unique Routes, Airports, Airlines
Countries, Cities, Continents, % of the World
Time in the Air, Longest Flight Miles
Total distance 129.335 km, Times Around the World, Shortes flight 132 km
Longest Flight Time, Shortest Flight Time
List of visited airports
List of airlines we have flown with